Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Too many cooks spoils the broth

Never before has the meaning of that saying been clearer.
I can not imagine a worse ending to 2011.


I will put it next to Valentines Day on the list of movies I wouldn't even poke with a stick.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!

We spent yesterday afternoon/Night in Birmingham, Since we heard there was a very loved German christmas market up there, and since it was our last chance to go to an actual christmas market before christmas. And o'boy it was popular, judging on the number of people there atleast. But I could see why, it was very lovely, It had everything a good christmas marked should have, from big german sausages to gingerbreads. And if you wanter a didjeridu, because I can imagine a lot of people go to a german market looking for that, they had that too.

I can really recommend this market, but a hot tip, go on a weekday!

(Their main sponsor was Sandvik. I found that a bit odd.)

Friday, 9 December 2011


This time exactly two years (!)  ago, my friend Lisa was visiting me in my home in Sydney. I look back at these pictures quite often, and then I look outside my window and compare it to what used to be out there, it makes me go a little bit crazy. Just a little bit...

Good try to bake some swedish Lucia saffron buns... massive failure... they're not even yellow..
"Man tager vad man haver"

Lisa chillin' out with two generations (?) of lifeguards.
Some random guy we found on the Manly corso.... I wonder what happened to him.. 

Thursday, 8 December 2011


And while we're talking about Girl with the dragon tattoo, apparently the costume designer from the movie has
made a collection for Sweden's pride and joy, H&M . So now we can all look like Lisbeth Salander...... if we want to.
see it here. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Girl with the dragon tattoo

The new 8 min trailer (which is too long). still looks good.

Let the snow begin

There's NO point with the cold, if there is no snow. The countdown for the flight home
next friday has definitly started on my part. 9 days....

Since I have a ridiculous amount of time on my hands nowadays, I've already wrapped all
my christmaspresents.  is it just me that gets heaps excited about wrapping stuff? Especially
for christmas. Josh hates wrapping presents, this year he apparently paid to get my presents
wrapped (even though I volunteered to do it..). But atleast he loves opening them,
so I guess it works out in the end..

Notting Hill.

I don't know if it's the brightly coloured houses, or the markets,
or how I always find hidden treasures around each corner when I
go for walks, but I really like living in this area.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


I'm a good girlfriend.

Happy Finland day!

UK trolls

Speaking about Ronnie wood, he is a bit scary looking isn't he? But at the same time very happy looking. I got the privilege to shake his hand at a movie premiere at Westfield a couple of months ago, and all I could think of when it happened was "God, he looks like a troll".  As a Scandinavian, you always compare people to trolls. When I say troll,  I have a very specific picture in my mind, because when I was a child I used to love a Swedish movie called Trollsommar (troll-summer). Classic. That's how I believe real trolls look like. Anyone who's seen it have to agree with me that Ronnie would be excellent in that movie..


Yep, they were all there. All my loving, I will, The long and winding road, Drive my car, Blackbird, I´ve just seen a face, Something, Back in the U.S.S.R, Let it be, Daytripper, The word, yesterday, the night before, and the list goes on and on. Got a nice little surprise when Ronnie Wood joined him on stage for "Get back". I know what you're probably thinking, and yes,  Paul is getting old (because even his grandchildren were now in the audience) .. but he's still got it, both talent and pretty nice hair.

3 hours setlist is not bad when you have a comfy seat. In Italy we stood up for an eternity it felt like. Let me tell you something else about the italy gig.. Barely anybody spoke English in Bologna, not people working at the arena, people in the toiletqueue, at the bar, nobody. But when Paul started singing, It was like he put a spell on the whole audience and suddently everybody was singing in perfect english. Why is that? Maybe it's like when I was a kid and didn't know english, and somehow learned to sing totally inappropriate songs like this and had absolutely no idea what I was singing along to at the school disco. But The Beatles are definitly better to sing along to than Sin with Sebastian.

After the gig something strange happened.
20 000 ppl had been to the O2, most of them were taking the tube,
but somehow we took a shortcut and got our own carriage.
This doesn't happen often, and we thought we should make the most out of it..

Monday, 5 December 2011

Twist and shout

I'm going to see Paul at the O2 tonight.
I managed to squeeze it in to my busy schedule.