Friday, 5 October 2012

Kanelbullens dag

I'm lucky to be from a country where we praise the small things in life. Like Cinnamon buns, and waffles. Yesterday was the yearly cinnamon bun day, and since I never remember these things, I always find out when it's too late, and don't have time to make anything. Last year that happened. A whole day of looking at pictures of other people's swedish cinnamon deliciousness, and I couldn't have any. This year I was late aswell, but I did them anyway, and ended  up staying up until 2 am baking these things, just to be able to share some cinnamon love at work today.

When people ask why we have a bun-day, and why we are being so weird, I  haven't got a clue what the answer is. All I can say, it's an awesome kind of weird, and I'm proud of it.

( Waffle day is apparently on March 25, I'm writing it down now so I won't forget)

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