Thursday 16 February 2012

The british builder's secret.

This is how lovely our bathroom looks at the moment. The builders came because our water boiler has been acting stupid, and they did this aswell while they were here. And then left it. I had no idea this was what it looked like under there.. and I'm glad I didn't. Did they really think wood and water is a good combination when they built this? Our whole apartment now smells like rotten wood. But that was not the main issue, the whole boiler is Kaaaputt (his words, not mine) and the whole thing needs to be changed. I got a feeling this will take some time. Until then, no hot water, and we have a reason to go to the gym every day...

1 comment:

mamma Olars said...

inte konstigt att England ligger i topp vad gäller astma och allergier om det är såhär det ser ut under ytan :) Måste finnas massor med mögelsporer i den fukten!?!